Dropbox > Review by hispanic

Michael Scepaniak
Sep 15, 2008
Although a new service, I'm liking what I see with Dropbox. The web site is pretty smooth and capable. But I'll note that I don't like that I can't delete an entire directory and getting the "space used" meter to update can be difficult. But those nits don't bother me because the integration with my Mac on an OS level is really top notch. For this alone, I will probably switch to Dropbox from IBackup. IBackup provides OS-level integration, but I find it to be slow in comparison. Also, I frequently find myself unable to login to the site, even though I'm using the correct username and password. That worries me. Anyway, once Dropbox starts offering more space for a fee (and if it actually prices out at ~$10/month), I'll probably cut-over.